Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts!

Sometimes I feel like there is a dizillion thought occurring simultaneously in my head! You know what I mean, right? Well let's assume that you do :D

It's when you feel like you can't breathe no more. Images changing, mixed voices & screams all in my head. It's more like swimming in an ocean while the waves are pushing you in all directions. You don't get the chance to recover the surprise & shock of the first hitting you while the second one hits you even harder, the third & the fourth … Argh! I just wish if I could stop them all from crossing my mind, the same way I switch off my pc :os

Some people are like, what are you trying to say, sport?!! Lol, I know! I'm as much confused as you are! Oh, pardon me! That was just another though! ;)

8 Person(s) Gone Banana!:

nosa said...

i loved those thoughts a lot coz thye seem to happen to me a lot ..

Fast_HacKinG said...

Go and talk to your Psychological Consultant, you need to drink more DEW to get rid all of this!

Oh hold I said get rid? Smash that, aren't you enjoying it?

Haha, welcome to blogging-world :)

sensation said...

nosa:: At last you checked my blog, huh? :p
I'm glad that you did :)
Well I thought i'm the only one who has those endless thoughts but it turned out that I was wrong! lol! May be some day we can come up with a technique to stop them! Once & for good! :D

fast_hacking:: hahahaaa! Thanks for stopping by ;)

Noors said...

I guess I can relate to that!

But you need a way to get all those thoughts out of your head, otehrwise it'll drive you crazy!

HA! Entertainment said...

Everyday my head's buzzing like flies. There are 2 things that can stop that:
1. Sleep
2. Talk with as many people as you can!
hehehehe. At least that works for me.
oh yeah do you smoke sense ? I do smoke and a friend told me that what caused my buzzing brain. lol.

sensation said...

noors:: Well it does sometimes! :os
I go banana! Any help is highly appreciated. Share your techniques with me please :)

someguy:: Sleeping, huh?!! I tried that! It didn't work! I would wake up with a terrible headache. Apparently I don't stop thinking even when im asleep :(
Regarding talking to people, I don't know! lol! You can't talk about anything to anyone, you know...
& btw I don't smoke :p

Degoat said...

you have an advantage hurr..

You will always figure your ways out cause u get more choices then normal person..

you will figure it out..


sensation said...

degoat:: I hope so! Thanks for your lovely comment :)