Monday, October 23, 2006

HappY EiD to all of you guys!

The clock is pointing to 9.45pm ! Tomorrow is supposed to be Eid but for some reason, I am not bothered at all! Hmmm! Well, let me see! This is a real issue which needs further investigation! Well, I think I am not so hyper about Eid because of the following reasons:
1. There isn't anything which I have to do! I mean like going to buy something from the Suq! Usually I do last minute shopping! And the same goes for my family! They will be like go there and get that and bla bla bla! This time I am left in peace and God! I am hating it! :s
2. I didn't listen to the Eid's Song! You know that typical Omani song which they play on the national TV on Eid's night and morning, sometimes afternoon and evening?!! It goes like" w enta ya 3ammy 3ammy, kul 3aaam w enta bekheer ! " It's sad but true! That song makes me feel it's Eid time!
3. My dearest brother is not around! He is abroad! lool! We used to hang around together and all. Oh, well! You don't want to see me in tears, do you? :p Trust me, you don't! It gets ugly! loool! :D
Happy Eid to all of you and may Allah accept our fasting and prayers, Amin!

7 Person(s) Gone Banana!:

Noors said...

Eid mubarak sensation!

LOL!! And My God as crazy as it might sound, but yeah those songs, as much as I hate them, give you this feeling that it's eid!

NiGhTFaCe said...

Eid Mubarek! :)

Anonymous said...

eidk embarak dude.. im kinda allbumped out about eid n all ( after being soo excited about it aweek b4 ut ) ..
my dad;s cuzin passed away so it's like "no eid " celebration in the family.. we werent close with them.. but it's just 3aib to do something anyway.. so it's borring!! n i cnt wait to go bk to dubai..
ok i guess that's it ! hehe

have a nice time..

sensation said...

noors:: heheheheheee :D
Eid Mubarak to you too, my dear :)

nightface:: Eid Mubarak to you too :)

nosa:: Hey there! Eid Mubarak to you too & I am sorry for your loss :(
Yeah, I know how that would feel! Specially that it's happening during Eid time. But still you can enjoy your time once you are back to dubai ;) :D

Arabian Princess said...

Eid Mubarak .. and I agree .. 3ayood 3ayood .. and all the other silly songs gave us the feeling of eid ..

sensation said...

Arabian Princess:: Eid Mubarak to you too :)
Yup, I think those silly songs do the trick! hahahaa :D

Anonymous said...

loool we r old enough to feel it
we dont have the feeling of eid that we did have it when we were young BUT being with my family is a big 3id lool
hapeey 3id to u senso