Wednesday, March 21, 2007

You come 1st!

Where to go by Sportsman

Is there anyone out there who thinks that by making others come first on his/her priority list, those people will be appreciative to them? One day.. Sometime?!! If yes, I say to you CHERISH THE THOUGHT! Shall I say it louder? May be use some larger font? Those people whom you are putting first on your list might not always treat you the same way you treated them once… or may be even millions of times! See you have to come first. One of the companies are having their moto as “Raise Yourself To Help Mankind” I think that moto sums it all. That’s due to a simple fact; you cannot help others’ while you are not whole in the first place. Do I make sense to you? Let me explain with an example. Whenever you take a flight to anywhere around the world, the flight attendants show up demonstrating those safety guidelines. There is this part about the oxygen masks. If you are accompanying a child, first put “your” mask on and then help the child with his/her mask. If you didn’t do in the recommended order, there is a chance that “you” won’t make it to the end! I think this example serves the purpose. We are surrounded by people around us who make others come first in their life but what do they get in return? Pretty much nothing, in most cases,

A mother dedicating her whole life to her children to the extent that she wouldn’t buy herself some new outfits! She says that it’s a better investment to keep the money for the children needs. Instead she takes whatever her friends spare and decide to give to "Goodwill", LINK, to use. The outcome you ask? The teenager daughter is ashamed of her won mother popping up in her school. The daughter’s friends make fun of her mom and how untidy her outlook is! Whom to blame? The daughter or the mother?

Another scene: An employee dedicates the best days of his life to the company they are enrolled in when s/he was only 22 years old. The poor guy followed his father's advice, Study hard! Get a job and stay loyal to your company! That’s what his father used to repeatedly say to him and so did the son/daughter. The outcome? You ask, again? A dismissal slip along with a lousy gift for the hard work and dedication of thirty years of service or so...

You my dear seem to be a fighter, huh? Another example, Is that what you want? You got it! A lover staying loyal to their partner as no body else has ever done before. The poor lover thought in silence:” If I try my best to make my partner happy all the time, listened to them and made them laugh, I will never lose them! It doesn’t matter if I don’t approve whatever they say, does it? It’s not worth to make them getting angry over trivial issues. They will remember all the times I was there for them! “

Time passes by and the day comes when it’s all over between the two.

As they say, the way you are is due to two things: nature and nurture. I think the majority of us, correct me if I am wrong, have been raised to believe that we have to sacrifice. We need to please the people around us. Without paying much attention to the fact that we need to please ourselves in the first place. If one feels like a whole from the inside and well balanced, s/he won’t need to please others or strive for their attention and affection.

9 Person(s) Gone Banana!:

IntI said...

Wow! this very very long post.
u no sensation, I never thot of "If one feels like a whole from the inside and well balanced, s/he won’t need to please others or strive for their attention and affection." like this way.

But, thinking of urself only that makes u selfish too.

Castelluca said...

ummm,uhhhh XD
well, i kinda agree but don't at the same time? i's important to be whole but i don't know..i can't find myself not being there for the ppl i cherish

like i want to be whole in order to be someone they can really rely on..getting me?

let me ask you something : if someone was pointing a gun at a very very important person to you..would you jump in and take the bullet?

sensation said...

Silent Waves..

Yeh, the post is quite lengthy :p

I totally agree that thinking of yourself "only" makes you selfish and I wasn't encouraging or asking people to do that. All what I am saying is that you should be on the top of list. You should make yourself happy and when that happens it will reflect on the people around you too :)

Thank you for the comment...


I can see where you are coming from :) I say be there for the people you cherish the most but be selective in choosing those people.

And yes I get your point. You can be whole only when you put yourself on the top of the list, no? :think:

I think I am too chicken to take the bullet for someone. I most probably won't do it (a)

But it really depends on the person. If the person is family I would without a doubt. If not then second thoughts will be there and most probably I would end up not doing it :)

Red Dragon said...

Nella took the words out of my keyboard!!! :)

I would die for the one I love!!! and there are only few people in this world I would take a bullet for them!!!

we need to balance our self!! not to dedicate our lives for the wrong people,,,

Anonymous said...

I don't wanna take bullet for my important someone either, I'm too chicken, I think I would just shoot the guy who shoot that important someone. hueheheh.

sensation said...

Red Dragon..

Hey Dragon! :p
And you took the words out of my mouth (traditional way of saying it :P)

You summed up all what I wanted to say in this post by a couple of sentences, the following ...
"we need to balance our self!! not to dedicate our lives for the wrong people,,,"

Thank you very much! :D

someguy ..

Hey there :) You heard the news, huh? Yupp! It is true! Noors is back! :D

That's a cool idea you got there. The thing is what will you do if you don't have a gun? >> Trick, eh? :p

Castelluca said...

lol..well, I'm glad you're honest ^_^

and i totally agree..i should try and be more selective of whom I'm going to cherish

well, i feel like i most definitely would jump and take the bullet but then again, i've never been there to know how exactly will i react..maybe i won't and maybe you will! ^_^ who knows?

Undine said...

Well, I don't know... can I comment? Though I don't know you, but I kinda liked what u said...

But I have to say that I can't agree on everything ... especially on the mother/daughter story...

I mean ... u can't actually ask a mom to put herself first!!!

In general the idea is great, yes we have to put ourselves first ... it happens a lot that u give & give & give ... but at the end u get nothing in return.

But there are some ppl who u automatically put them b4 u...
it's like when am in a car & my little sister on my lap, if the car was going to fast & dad hit the break ... I wont hold to the chair, I would hold my sister strongly making sure she wont get hurt. Sometimes she's not even on my lap but I unconsciously grab her arm

There are ppl in our lives who matters to us more than ourselves.. We just need to choose wisely ... not anyone deserves that place ;)

sensation said...


Nobody's knows the other in the blogging world :P
So don't worry about that :)

I can relate to how you view it :)

I didn't mean by "Putting yourself first" to be selfish or anything like that. The message I am trying to convey is that we need balance in our lives and not to blindly put others on the top of our priority lists, especially when we come as no.2 in the list!

Welcome to "Going Banana" and many thanks for your comment :)